I haven’t written in a while and it hasn’t been due to a lack of wanting, or a lack of things to write about–I just haven’t. The world is currently spinning in a new direction, so much more uncomfortable than we’re used to. And while I, like almost every other American, have been biding my time indoors, dreaming about the days when we can all look back and see this time as a memory.

I miss my friends. I miss my family. My church. My students. My couples. Oh, how I miss holding my camera and capturing sweet moments for people who I love dearly. But this isn’t a pity post or a rant about all the things I wish I could be doing with my time. This is simply an opportunity for me to reflect and share some photos on this platform that I never have before.

You may recognize these two, as they tend to resurface in my work from time to time. That’s because Sydnie is one of my closest friends on this earth. And I love her daughter, Lydia (as much as I can without yet knowing myself what motherhood truly means) as if she were my own. Last Spring, when the sun finally started lingering a little longer in the evenings and when the weather finally became warm enough to stand it, the three of us set out to create something special. My goal was to paint a picture of motherhood, to show the joy, the romantic and whimsical side of it that plays in our imaginations when we think back on our fondest memories of childhood. And we did just that.

I don’t know that I could love a set of photographs more. I do know this, though: looking through them has lightened my heart. Transported me. Reminded me of goodness and laughter and wonder. After all, isn’t that what a photograph should do?

I hope that they will also bring a little joy into your life. And whether you’re a mama, or simply missing your mama right now, I hope you’ll have some happy memories floating around in your heart after you see these.


Film scanned by The FIND Lab


  1. Amber says:

    This is beautiful! I love the black and white ones

  2. Holly Jones says:

    These images are truly beautiful…a bond between a mother and a daughter is a bond that cannot be broken. Kudos to capturing one of the most beautiful sessions I’ve seen!

  3. I will never get tired of the look of film photography. Absolutely beautiful. And such a sweet little session and happy memories created!

  4. Taylor says:

    These are beautiful! I am beginning to shoot film myself, so looking at your images makes me excited!

  5. What a beautiful and endearing post!

  6. Monica says:

    We are definitely living in a different time. Thanks for sharing these sweet images. So precious!
