Leanna found me on Facebook, through a referral from another photographer. And I am OH-SO-GLAD she did! From the first time we spoke on the phone, it has been evident that God orchestrated our meeting. She has the kindest spirit, is one of the most determined and motivated women I have ever met, and she fiercely loves her fiance, Alex. I knew from the beginning that getting to know the two of them would be fun and rewarding, and that we would simply become the best of friends right away! And when Leanna first described her vision for her outdoor fall ceremony, I was ready to jump in the car and yell, “Memphis or bust!”

Last month, Josh and I made the trip to Memphis (on one of the hottest Saturdays in August, mind you!) to meet Leanna and Alex for their engagement session. We started out downtown in the South Main Arts District and had a blast wandering around and getting to know each other. Conversation with Leanna and Alex comes so easily and I felt like I had known them forever within the first five minutes. Leanna mentioned that she had forgotten her jeans at home for the second half of their session and we even tried to find a boutique while we were shooting but didn’t have any luck!

These two were absolute troopers during their session because of how crazy hot it was, not to mention the humidity. If you’re from West Tennessee then you know exactly what I’m talking about! After twirling and laughing through the streets of downtown and finding lots of little hidden gems along the way, we wrapped up the first half of their session and planned to reconvene at the Riverfront right before sunset, which was about a thirty minute break. This gave Josh and I just enough time to find a quaint bar called The Civil Pour and grab a drink– I think the bartender made me three lemonades before we left, I was so thirsty! In the meantime, Leanna and Alex somehow miraculously made it all the way to West Memphis, AR and purchased a pair of jeans for the rest of their session. I was impressed!

Right as the sun was beginning to set, we met Leanna and Alex at the Riverfront park for the second half of their session. And it was the most GORGEOUS evening for a sunset. The temperature finally cooled down and there was even a little breeze coming off of the water. Despite the fact that there were crowds of people at the park, Alex and Leanna were focused on each other. I always remind my couples that in the midst of everything, all the planning and stress leading up to a wedding, don’t forget to enjoy the engagement. Remember to focus on each other and still take time to do fun things, like go on dates, curl up and watch a movie, bake cookies, go on walks, anything. Try t make the engagement just as sweet as the marriage, and an engagement session is a great opportunity to be reminded of this. Alex and Leanna are clearly head over heels for each other, and I feel like I was really able to capture their joy and love for each other during their session because they were completely in the moment.

Soon, I’ll travel back to Memphis to shoot their wedding at Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park and I am SO excited. I know their wedding day is going to be full of laughs and genuine joy just like their engagement session was. Except magnified by a million! Leanna and Alex, I’m so glad that you guys found me. More importantly, I’m so happy that the two of you have found each other. I can’t wait to celebrate alongside you in just a matter of days!

Enjoy a few of my favorite images from Leanna and Alex’s Downtown Memphis engagement session!


